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Thanks to all that submitted films.
Azores Fringe, o festival internacional de artes nos Açores apresenta uma secção de curtas SHORTS@FRINGE durante maio-junho nas ilhas dos Açores.
The international arts festival, Azores Fringe, presents in may-june SHORTS@FRINGE, a showcase of shorts (under 15 minutes) on the islands of the Azores-Portugal.
Participating Filmmakers may use the festival logo and promo online with #miratecarts #azoresfringe @miratecarts @azoresfringefestival - promoting artists, as we can. Now lets see what filmes our audiences choose as their favorite...
You may use our image, if your film is part of the festival; award winners will receive an additional laurel.
shorts@fringe logo
Cineastas participantes podem usar o logotipo de shorts@fringe.
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